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I am very new to ring central. I have a single node dummy application and I want to reach that application by dialing a number, either through a softphone or a physical phone, the problem I am facing is that I am in India, and when I dial the default number assigned by ring central (Which is in the US), I am not able to reach the number.

Is there any way I can test my application by dialing a number

Login your sandbox service web and add a new user with device (at the select a device step, choose others and select the RingCentral soft phone as the device).

Now you can make test calls between users in your sandbox account (something like 101 and 102 users) using the soft phone (switch to sandbox mode before logging in).

You can also add DLs to extensions and call to DLs logging in to 2 different devices to make test calls. Here is how you can add DLs :
