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Hi all
Using RC app on PC.
I've noticed recently (last week or so) that when I click "Make a call" to dial a number, my keyboard numberpad allows me to type in the number to dial but pressing the "enter" key on the numberpad no longer initiates the dialing (it used to start dialling when I pressed enter on the numberpad part of my keyboard).

Pressing the "enter" key on the main part of my keyboard does initiate the dial.
Anyone experiencing a similar problem?

Hi @Craig Larkin, I'm checking if this is a normal behavior.

We've had that on almost every field in RC - I've opened ideas and tickets - to no avail. If your Enter key worked - count yourself lucky!

And such basic programming as well... (poke at the RC devs ;: )

@Mary-Community_Moderator has there been any resolution regarding this now-missing feature?

It will be fixed in the 22.4.10 version of the app.
I think it will be gradually rolled out between 7-13 November but don't quote me on this 😃.
You probably don't need to do anything and should just wait and check if it's working later.

You can check the version you currently have by opening your app > Resource Center > Get app info. The latest version as of now is 22.3.30

If you've disabled Auto-Update for some reason, you can check here in 2 weeks for the latest available version.

I can confirm the keypad Enter key will now initiate dialling with update to v22.4.10.2008
