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Currently, customers have the option to hide the Message tab in the RingCentral app and remove it from the main navigation, however, it is still accessible in the More menu. If they want to disable the Message function completely, they would have to disable messaging for the entire account. Can we make it possible to remove the Message functionality completely for specific users through roles/permissions?

Please review Support ticket #12428938 as a use case.

Thanks for this, @Yordanos Ayele. I would highly suggest posting this to our idea portal. Please click HERE to post. Thank you!

I agree with this. We would like to remove the message tab from RC as well.


I agree. I would like the option to remove the messages tab. We already have a program we utilize.

This feature has been added, but you have to contact Support to have this feature added to your account. Once they do, in your Roles you'll have an option called "Message Tab Shown in Main Navigation". That will show or hide all Messaging features for users who have that role assigned. Beware though, if Messaging is turned off, some of the HUD call/text menu buttons disappear. And if you have Messaging turned on, then the HUD status shows Offline for everyone and doesn't update like it should. I've contacted Support about both of these issues and they are working on it. If they resolve them, I will post another comment here.

Hey, @Josh Berman Thanks for sharing this info!
