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I'm creating an app to monitor the call queues. What I need to do is display how many inbound waiting calls are on a call queue. Is this possible?

I have tried to use subscription to monitor incoming calls of agents. That worked. But if all agents are taking phone calls and then there's an incoming call to the call queue how can I get notified?

Hi,  I had a similar issue, and I was told in order to create a call queue you needed to have Live Reports enabled on your account.  We currently don't have this feature, but we are looking into it.
Check the response of this ticket:  I think it is relevant.

For our business this feature it is needed too, ir order to have the option to support the line but having user more eficiently.



For our bussiness, it is also needed to have the real-time queue calls status, in order to have the opprtunity to support the agents in the same moment. We would like this feature be available on our ringcentral plan.

The original question is old and the developer was asking about developing an app to monitor call queues. I am not sure about your question though. If you are looking for APIs and help to build your own monitor app, create a new question instead of adding to this old thread. If you just want to request for a new feature, post your request here or ask your question in the Customer community.
