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Sending Text Messages

  • 15 January 2022
  • 26 replies

For the last few days, any sms message I try to send keeps failing. I can receive them but I am not able to respond to my clients.

I have had the same issue for the last couple of days. I've narrowed it down to only my messages going to numbers with AT&T as their provider. My SMS messages are going through to others with other carriers.

Yes, I'm having the same issue and confirm that it's ONLY AT&T numbers, which is super odd??

I looked into this a few months back and it appears that wireless carriers are now blocking text messages from RingCentral, as they are a CONSUMER platform, and not a business platform...

I was told to look into carries like mGage, OpenMarket, Sinch, Syniverse, Vibes Media, ZipWhip, or imimobile directly, as these adhere to the business level 10 Digit Long Code (10DLC).

I would love for RC to chime in here, as I was under the impression that they are a business platform?

Same problem I am having, i also have created a case with high importance hours ago, they still have not responded to this. This is frustrating as this is my business phone,

Same. I am unable to send outbound SMS to AT&T customers. RC customer service said "not my problem" and gave me AT&T's number. AT&T said "not my problem" you need to talk to your app.

RC pushed my case to Tier 2 and said they'd get back to me in 24-48 hour. Its been 24 hours and now they will not answer the technical support line. I am very. very. Frusturated.

Three different AT&T reps said my number is not on any "spam list" or "blacklist" and that it is a RC problem.

I need a resolution by start of business Monday Morning, if not sooner.

Does not sound like my case is an "isolated event" any more. My friend also is experiencing the same thing with his RC account.

I am able to “text” through my desktop RC app to my AT&T employees and customers; it’s only from my phone app that this issue is occurring. Anyone else having that experience?

Case added but I am getting no feedback on ETA for a fix. Very disappointing.

Same issue for our company..cannot send outgoing text messages to anyone. Also cannot access the ticket case link on the website to open a case.

Same.. I can't text my customers. I tried to contact them and couldn't speak to anyone. I open a ticket, no response, the chat is useless and THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT

This is a known issue. We ask that you create a ticket to log your issue with support. They will be in touch when new details or information is available.

If you are not able to submit a ticket, please email the Community team here:

Guys, it shouldn't be this hard to contact the people that hold your business phone number, your income, in their hands.

Becky, thank you for that wonderful advice, but the issue is much bigger than a support ticket for some of us. We have been dealing with this problem since 0728am on 01/10/2022. We have spoken to over 30 different customer service agents, not one support person, even though we have been promised that call several times. We currently have 2 different support tickets for 2 different issues that both fall under this same issue. We are now being ignored, answers have stopped, communication is gone, support is no where to be found, no answers, no help, losing money everyday because we can't use OUR business phone number.

When we go to open a new ticket, we get a message that tells us to "sign-in". I am not sure if you are aware of this, but you can't get to that page or this forum for that matter unless you are signed in.

RingCentral shouldn't be ignoring so many customers about this issue. As a business owner, when you can't trust a service provider, you look for a new one.

Just saying....

We have all created tickets. The lack of concrete response and follow up has been disappointing, unprofessional, and costly. All we want is an UPDATE! Telling us it is a known issue is not enough. We need to be able to communicate to those in our companies that have jurisdiction over our telecom spend, exactly what is being done to correct this issue and an ETA for completion. Anything less is consideration to move to a different vendor.

What's very odd is that if you send an MMS (ie: photo) via text on RC to an AT&T customer, then it works, but text messages do not...

Because of this, I may need to switch to Twilio or another provider as this is a HUGE issue.

I tried however I wasn't able to create a ticket and ended up here. I will however have to do like others have mentioned and look into other services, if the issue isn't resolved in a timely matter.

I just started having this problem on Friday.

I started having the same problem on Friday as well. Not sure if they are AT&T users, but Tech support told me they are escalating the problem. Sounds like they may need to whitelist our numbers with AT&T.

We're also experiencing this issue for the 4th time this year - we have already gone through the lengthy process of opening a ticket with screenshots and examples, which takes time that we don't have. There is never a final resolution, it just magically gets fixed until it happens again. Left Twilio for RC, very disappointed.

Does anyone know if Twilio and other phone services are experiencing the same problems? Or is it just Ring Central?

Seems like Ring Central is trying to push their business SMS text. That could be related to the issue.

RC advised if text do not meet Bandwidth Policy phone numbers maybe blocked.

Not sure if this is true b/c RC has told me its a RC issue, then ATT issue, now a bandwith issue.

Here is the Bandwith Policy they sent:

I have had a ticket for SEVEN days

The issue was fixed temporarily and now it is back! What is going on?

I had this issue a couple weeks ago. It is back again this morning!!! I was told to pound sand. This is not a carrier issue! They fail when I send using the app on my desktop also which is not carrier based. RC address this now for us.

I had this issue a couple weeks ago. It is back again this morning!!! I was told to pound sand. This is not a carrier issue! They fail when I send using the app on my desktop also which is not carrier based. RC address this now for us.

We opened a ticket over a week ago and it was closed with no Resolution, so what can we expect next?

As suggest in my Jan 17th post Ring Central is trying to move forward with a pay per text concept labeled "Enhanced Business SMS. Seems starting in March everyone will have to change their plans. Received this today.

"We have been working with the carriers to address these changes, increase the deliverability of your SMS messages, and help protect you from potential carrier fines.

To accomplish this, we have reinvisioned domestic SMS, and are excited to launch our RingCentral Enhanced Business SMS solution with new pricing and a number of monthly free SMS messages starting March 17, 2022.* Once this allowance is exhausted, you will be charged a transparent, flat rate of $0.0085 per SMS message sent or received. MMS will be charged at and $0.013 per MMS sent or received. For example, if you send 100 SMS messages above your allowance, you would only pay 85¢."
